
Retrieve available Volume offers

To be attached to an instance, volumes should be linked to the same CloudProvider and the same region as the Pod selected. Get all informations about Volumes into this section

Access this endpoint to explore available volume offers, which is crucial when planning storage needs for your instances.

Create a new Volume

This endpoint is used when you need to create new Volume to add a persistent storage solution to your instance, ensuring to keep your dataset stored even after the instance stops.

Get the list of Volumes created

Use this endpoint to get an overview of your active volumes, useful for monitoring storage usage and planning expansions.

Get details of a specific Volume

Get specific details about a particular volume when you need to verify its configuration or status.

Delete a Volume

Use this endpoint to delete volumes that are no longer needed, optimizing storage usage and reducing costs.

Ensure data backup before deleting volumes to prevent data loss.

Last updated